Yunboshi Wok Plan Presentation

This Monday, all the Yunboshi staffs gathered together to share work plans prepared for the upcoming projects. Through the presentations, we know  what we want to accomplish.

Mr. Jin, the President of YUNBOSHI  TECHNOLOGY, said that we hound a work plan is effective to help us assign tasks. It is good to make work plans for every month, every week, and even every day.


Kelly from International Trades Department defined her items as “important” and “regular”. At the meantime, Kelly marked the related departments of some  affairs because not every task can not be achieved by herself. Mrs. ZhouTeng was appointed International Trades Director based her excellent overseas humidity-control business in April of 2011.Mr. Zhou was previously a foreign trades service clerk. During her experiment at International Trades, Mrs. Zhou held increasingly responsible positions in marketing and business leadership.


Mrs. Yuan  showed her monthly target comparing with the same month of last year). In 2009 she began to develop distribution activities in mainland.

Mr. Zhong from Manufacturing Department share his weekly plan. 



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